Gymnasium ¹8 named after M.H.Dulaty
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Leader of the XXI century |
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The TV-channel "Khabar" is weekly broadcasting the projekt of intellektual television show of "LG" company "Leader of the XXI century". This favourite game is being held for almost 4 years in Almaty. The number of participants and spectators of this cognitive and interesting game is growing year after year. The founders of the TV-program came to a conclusion there is a necessity in project that can fulfil the educative function so that new names, personalities, potential leaders, future representatives of the country from the number of talented and well-prepared pupils are exposed. The producers are young cinema makers Anuar Raybayev, Murat Bekhojin und Lyazzat Kokkozova. The game "Leader of the XXI century" enable children to prove themselves, to show their intellektual |
abilities and to make friends with children from the whole Republic. The game is held in Russian and Kazakh in turn 3 months periodically. The winners of each stage are rewarded with valuable presents, The champions of the quarters get the right to enter any high-school of Kazakhstan free of charge. The absolute champion gets an opportunity to enter a prestigious university of the USA gratis. |
Our gymnasium has its own leaders of the XXI century - pupils of 11a form Orazbayeva Aynur and Kan Maksim. Their class teacher of Russian language Mitshenko G.F. describes them the next way: "Orazbayeva Aynur is a gifted person with various abilities. She makes progress in all subjects of the school program, has finished the artistic school brilliantly and have participated several times in chess-tournaments and region olympiads in geography gaining prize places. She is the girl of great responsibility and self-exactingness. Kan Maksim is a purposeful and hard-working boy. His knowledge in all subjects is sufficienly deep because he is steadily working. During all years of studies he have been testing his forces in various olympiads and as a rule they were deserving high appreciation". |
Main | Leader of the XXI century | Tourism | Ecology | The creators