The statement that all children are genious or at least very talented has
become the initial point in the discourses of pediatrists, educational specialists
and leaders of sport and art schools. Children are usually called gifted if they
considerably take the lead over the other ones in their mental and intellektual
development or demonstrate remarkable special abilities in music, art, sports etc.
In the scientific literature and the ordinary speech they are often called "infants
prodigy". From the psychologic point of view the endowments have to main directions:
common mental abilities and concrete talents. The common abilities are described by
the scientists the next way: it is capacity for generalizing, discussing the abstract
matters, solving the problems and learning on the
self-experience.One of the obvious signs of talent is an early development of speech,
especially when the child passes from separate words to the most simple sentences
almost straight away. Such chinldren's vocabulary is rich, the speech is
more expressive and they feel shades and nuances of the word's meaning.
Their sentences are longer and well built. Many infants have a remarkable
sense of humour. Their memory is good and they are inventive to say nothing of pranks.
They begin reading very early - as a rule at the age of four. The experienced
psychologist's eye distinguish such a child even in the crowd, and namely through the
sharp glance and self-dependent behaviour. But the talent will stay unrevealed if
there are no confident relations between the child and the grown-up. The gift not
to mention firtsly modest abilities reveals itself only in the atmosphere of warmth and
kindness, love and care.
But how sensitive and delicate must the adult be to notice and develop the endowments
and abilities of the child in the right time! It's not easy to mark the signs of talent
straight off. Having discovered early signs of the child's endowments, the parents do
their best to develop his abilities in accordance with their own conceptions concerning
the aims and tasks of education. However they shouldn't forget that a musically gifted
child will not sing constantly and abilities to mathematics don't mean predilection for
the calculation. The early manifestation of endowments in the children age demands careful
attention to the child from the side of parents and teachers. It is desirable that teaching
of the gifted children is built up on the basis of special programs.
The work with talented children is conducted in our gymnasium by the principal's assistant
Kalinichenko V.I. The main directions of work are ecology, sports, debates, scientific projects,
vocal, law study, "Leader of the XXI century", CJW (Club of Jolly and Witty) and other.
Some of them are dscribed on the pages of our web-site.
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Leader of the XXI century |
Tourism |
Ecology |
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